Why Should You Care if the Chemicals in Sunscreen are Absorbed into your Bloodstream?
Posted by Dr. Terry Zickerman
Chemical sunscreens filters contain compounds that catalyze a chemical reaction when exposed to the sun; this reaction transforms UV rays into heat, which is then released from the skin. UV-blocking chemicals do seep into circulation.
Researchers at the FDA revealed the results of a small clinical trial designed to test how four of the most common sun-filtering molecules on the market behave after they’ve been sprayed on and rubbed in. The results, published in the journal JAMA, show that contrary to what sunscreen manufacturers have been saying, UV-blocking chemicals do seep into circulation.
The CDC reports that close to 97 percent of Americans have oxybenzone in their bodies; another study found that 85 percent of nursing mothers in the European Union have at least one UV filter in their breast milk.
Chemical Sunscreens are also Destroying Coral Reefs
Studies found that the chemical oxybenzone has toxic effects on young coral that causes endocrine disruption, DNA damage and death of coral, among other problems.
Oxybenzone and octinoxate are destroying the oceans around the world, according to scientists whose research has shown that the chemicals break down coral by leaching it of nutrients and disrupt the development of marine life, like sea urchins and algae. Coral reject symbiotic organisms and lose their color.
Mineral UV Filters
Only two ingredients so far have been ruled safe and effective—zinc oxide and titanium dioxide are both mineral sunscreens that do not penetrate and are not absorbed through the skin and are generally recognized as safe and effective for use in sunscreens. The FDA has sufficient evidence that they are GRASE Category I. Thus, the safety evaluation does not need to consider more than direct effects on the skin.
What is safe for your body & the planet?
Many sunscreen manufactures utilize zinc oxide nanoparticles (less than 35 nanometers in diameter), often referred to as clear zinc sunscreen. Nano zinc oxide particles are very harmful for marine organisms,which induces a severe and fast coral bleaching due to the alteration of the symbiosis between coral and zooxanthellae.
Non-nano zinc oxide and non-nano titanium dioxide are the only coral-safe sunscreen lters and they are claimed safe and effective in blocking UV rays by the FDA, Health Canada and the European Commission. Sunscreens formulated with non-nano particles will clearly state "non-nano zinc oxide and/or non-nanotitanium dioxide on the products active ingredient list".
Love Sun Body 100% Natural Origin Mineral Sunscreens are the only sunscreens in the U.S. certified by Ecocert Cosmos Natural and have been clinically tested non-comedogenic andare reef safe.
Love Sun Body 100% Natural Origin Mineral Sunscreens meet and exceed the regulatory requirements of the FDA OTC Monograph System, the European Commission’s recommendation on UVA protection and Health Canada Natural Health Products Regulations.
Love Sun Body 100% Natural Origin Mineral Sunscreens are made with the safest UVA and UVB lters - SPF 30 formulas non-nano zinc oxide and plant based moisturizers.
Love Sun Body was also given the best score of 1 out of 10 for safety. Love Sun Body sunscreen formulas are certied PETA Cruelty Free and Vegan, with no eye stinging ingredients.
Me and my family all been using this fragrance free, non toxing sunscreen for the past year. LOVE SUN BODY company formula meets all my expectations of an all natural sunscreen. I recommend and offer this product in our shop. It’s exactly the formula I would have created. As many of you know I have a cosmetic manufacturing license and this type of products nee pharmaceutical manufacturing license. So here we go!
For the best result I recommend using very little of the products and mixing it with your favorite moisturizer, rub it between your hands and then apply it on the desired area.
You may find this product in our Occoquan store and also online in the link below.
Sending your way much love, light, & positive energy,